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Area and Power Efficient AVLS-TSPC-Based Diffused Bit Generator for Key Generation

verfasst von: B. S. Premananda, Abdur Rehman, P. Megha

Erschienen in: Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing | Ausgabe 5/2024


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The diffused bit generator (DBG) is an entropy generator that generates a stream of random bits. DBG is realized using a linear feedback shift register (LFSR) and cellular automata (CA). LFSR and CA are realized using flip-flops and XOR gates. The flip-flops required are designed using true single-phase clock (TSPC)-based logic to minimize the area and power of the LFSR and CA circuits. The XOR gates used in the circuits are realized either using a 12-transistor (12T) or a 6-transistor (6T). To further reduce power dissipation in the DBG circuit, low-power techniques are incorporated. In the proposed 8-bit DBGs, the adaptive voltage level at source (AVLS) is incorporated to reduce power consumption. The circuits are realized using Cadence Virtuoso in CMOS 180 nm technology, and Specter is used for simulation and power analysis. The DBG functionality is assessed for frequencies ranging up to 1 GHz with a supply voltage of 1.8 V. From the results, it was inferred that at 1 GHz the proposed-1 DBG (using a 12T XOR gate) is 94.05% power efficient; while, the proposed-2 DBG (using a 6T XOR gate) is 90.27% power efficient when compared to the reference circuits. Implementation of the proposed-1 DBG was also carried out in CMOS 45 nm technology, the functionality was verified and the power was analyzed. A similar trend of power reduction was observed.

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Area and Power Efficient AVLS-TSPC-Based Diffused Bit Generator for Key Generation
verfasst von
B. S. Premananda
Abdur Rehman
P. Megha
Springer US
Erschienen in
Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing / Ausgabe 5/2024
Print ISSN: 0278-081X
Elektronische ISSN: 1531-5878