2014 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
Assessment of an Assistive P300-Based Brain Computer Interface by Users with Severe Disabilities
verfasst von : R. Corralejo, L. F. Nicolás-Alonso, D. Álvarez, R. Hornero
Erschienen in: XIII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 2013
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The present study aims at assessing an assistive P300-based BCI tool for managing electronic devices at home. Fifteen subjects with motor and cognitive disabilities participated in the study. The assistive tool was designed to be simple and easy to interact with users. It allows managing 113 control commands from 8 different devices. Although most of the participants also showed cognitive impairments, nine out of the fifteen participants were able to properly manage the assistive BCI application with accuracy higher than 80%. Moreover, five out of them achieved accuracies higher than 95%. Maximum information transfer rate (ITR) values of 14.41 bits/min were reached. Hence, P300-based BCIs could be suitable for developing new control interfaces fulfilling the main needs of disabled people, such as comfort, communication and entertainment. Our results suggest that the degree of motor or cognitive disability is not a relevant issue in order to suitably operate the assistive BCI application.