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ATP-Optimized Implementation of Four-Way Toom-Cook Multiplications on FPGAs for Large Integer Arithmetic

verfasst von: Monalisa Das, Babita Jajodia

Erschienen in: Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing


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Toom-Cook multiplication algorithm is one of the most efficient method compared to other traditional large-integer multiplication algorithms. However, in most cases, implementation of this algorithm in hardware is practically avoided due to presence of exact-divisions at intermediate steps of computation. Thus this paper proposes ways to overcome the limitation by designing a hardware-optimized, division-free Toom-4 multiplication algorithm. This is done by eliminating the effects of division due to odd factors in the denominator using a scaling factor, at the interpolation step of the algorithm. Further optimization is done by replacing the direct point-wise multiplication with an optimized Schoolbook multiplication. The overall performance of the proposed architecture is estimated using Area-Time-Product (ATP) and hardware implementation is done using Virtex-7 FPGA device in Xilinx-ISE platform. Practically, the proposed design performs better in terms of speed and resource utilization for higher input bits compared to other state-of-the-art designs; for example for 512 input bits, the percentage ATP of the proposed design is 75.077%, 98.822% and 57.316% superior performance compared to Traditional Schoolbook Multiplication, Karatsuba (Toom-2) multiplication and Toom-4 multiplication respectively.

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ATP-Optimized Implementation of Four-Way Toom-Cook Multiplications on FPGAs for Large Integer Arithmetic
verfasst von
Monalisa Das
Babita Jajodia
Springer US
Erschienen in
Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing
Print ISSN: 0278-081X
Elektronische ISSN: 1531-5878