2014 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
Attentional Focus and Functional Connectivity in Cycling: An EEG Case Study
verfasst von : S. Comani, S. Di Fronso, E. Filho, A. M. Castronovo, M. Schmid, L. Bortoli, S. Conforto, C. Robazza, M. Bertollo
Erschienen in: XIII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 2013
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This study aimed to test the efficacy of associative and dissociative attention-based strategies derived from the MAP model to improve performance in endurance activity, and to verify whether specific cortical functional networks are associated with the different types of performance foreseen in the MAP model. The findings from one cyclist support the hypothesis that dissociative strategies induce electrophysiological conditions facilitating flow performance states, which are mainly characterized by extensive functional connectivity across all brain areas in the alpha band. Associative strategies do not seem to conform to this framework, although focusing on the core components of action minimized the awareness of unpleasant afferent feedback, thus delaying detrimental increments of perception of effort, which manifest as a predominant frontal-motor coupling in the alpha band and fronto-occipital coupling in the beta band.