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Austrian Economists in Madrid

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The Austrian School of Madrid has become a new school of thought in the city of Madrid. Since the mid-twentieth century, some economists have been taking positions in the debate, both political and academic, with fruitful results from the last decade of the century. Jesús Huerta de Soto has managed to create a school of thought. Huerta de Soto and his colleagues work trying to make sense of the theoretical challenges of the time and trying to influence the public debate with the ideas of the Austrian School. His influence has been generated through essays, conferences, or doctoral theses, as well as the media. This is an unknown phenomenon in the history of Spanish economic thought: the creation of a fruitful and solid branch of the Austrian School in a Spanish-speaking country for the first time in history.

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Mises quoted Joaquín Reig’s help in translating Human Action to Spanish in the 1960 Spanish edition.
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Austrian Economists in Madrid
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Cristóbal Matarán

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