2013 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
Automatic Generation of SPL Structurally Valid Products Using Graph Transformations Approach
verfasst von : Khaled Khalfaoui, Allaoua Chaoui, Cherif Foudil, Elhillali Kerkouche
Erschienen in: Modeling Approaches and Algorithms for Advanced Computer Applications
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A Software Product Line is a set of software products that share a number of core properties but also differ in others. Differences and commonalities between products are typically described in terms of features. A software product line is usually modeled with a feature diagram, describing the set of features and specifying the constraints and relationships between these features. Each product is defined as a set of features. In this area of research, a key challenge is to ensure correctness and safety of these products. There is an increasing need for automatic tools that can support feature diagram analysis, particularly with a large number of features that modern software systems may have. In this paper, we propose using model transformations an automatic framework to generate all valid products according to the feature diagram. We first introduce the basic idea behind our approach. Then, we present the used graph grammar to perform automatically this task using the AToM
tool. Finally, we show the feasibility of our proposal by means of running example.