2014 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
Automation of Analytical Processes in Immunohematology: Hospital Based-HTA Approach
verfasst von : P. Lago, C. Lombardi, B. Milanesi, P. Isernia, L. Raffaele, A. Berzuini, P. Giussani, C. E. Battista, M. Angeleri, R. Santini
Erschienen in: XIII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 2013
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Problems related to the interpretation of results and clinical consequences of analysis in Immunohematology laboratory are discussed. On the basis of an Hospital-Based HTA (HB-HTA) approach, most common errors of the analytical processes have been highlighted, divided in preanalytical, analytical and post analytical phase. For each phase, the adoption of automated instruments has enabled a strong reduction of errors, monitored by using indicators related to the analytical phases.