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Autonomous Cars and Consumer Choices: A Stated Preference Approach

verfasst von: Hiroaki Miyoshi

Erschienen in: International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research | Ausgabe 3/2024


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This study aims to identify the factors that influence consumers' choice of autonomous cars in their new car purchase behavior. We surveyed stated preferences for autonomous driving technology and then analyzed the survey data using a multinominal logit model to examine how various factors—including price, consumer attributes, and respondents' evaluations of autonomous car characteristics—influence consumers' choice of car technology. The results of analysis indicate that experience with adaptive cruise control (ACC), as well as expectations about the enjoyment that autonomous cars will bring to consumers' daily lives, have a significant impact on their decision.

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[13] provides a comprehensive review of the literature on stated preference/choice studies related to automated vehicles.
Contents of SP surveys in this study are described in detail in [14].
To facilitate understanding, the three car classes (ADAS-equipped cars, Level-3 cars, and Level-4 cars) were described to survey respondents respectively as assisted-driving cars, partially autonomous cars, and highly autonomous cars.
Note that subclass R3 is not used in the survey.
For this portion of the survey, a range of highways permitting autonomous driving was indicated, and survey respondents were shown one of the following three options, selected at random: (1) Major highways (Tomei, etc.), (2) Highways with two lanes in each direction, (3) All highways.
This refers to the frequency with which take-over requests (TORs) are issued. Survey respondents were shown one of the following four options, selected at random: (1) once per hour, (2) once per day, (3) once per week, (4) once per month.
This refers to the length of time within which a human driver must respond to a take-over request. Survey respondents were shown one of the following four options, selected at random: (1) immediately, (2) within 3 seconds, (3) within 10 seconds, (4) within 30 seconds.
This refers to the frequency of minimum-risk maneuver (MRM) incidents. Survey respondents were shown one of the following four options, selected at random: (1) once per day, (2) once per month, (3) once per year, (4) once every two years.
See [17] for further information except (B-4).
This survey queried household income in a multiple-choice format, with a single option for all income levels above 20 million yen. To exclude artifacts of this question design from the explanatory variable for household income, we introduce a dummy variable indicating income above 20 million yen.
For example, gasoline cars with the engine displacement of above 2000cc are included in standard sized cars.
Zurück zum Zitat University of Tokyo, and Doshisha University (commissioned by NEDO), Research on assessment of the impact of automated driving on society and the economy and on measures to promote deployment (In Japanese), 2023 available at . Accessed 30 Nov 2023 University of Tokyo, and Doshisha University (commissioned by NEDO), Research on assessment of the impact of automated driving on society and the economy and on measures to promote deployment (In Japanese), 2023 available at https://​www.​sip-adus.​go.​jp/​rd/​ . Accessed 30 Nov 2023
Zurück zum Zitat Suda, Y., Miyoshi, H.: Development of assessment methodology for socioeconomic impacts of automated driving including traffic accident reduction. In: SIP 2nd Phase: Automated Driving for Universal Services-Final Results Report (2018-2022), pp. 173–179. (2022). Available at Accessed 30 Nov 2023 Suda, Y., Miyoshi, H.: Development of assessment methodology for socioeconomic impacts of automated driving including traffic accident reduction. In: SIP 2nd Phase: Automated Driving for Universal Services-Final Results Report (2018-2022), pp. 173–179. (2022). Available at https://​www.​sip-adus.​go.​jp/​rd/​rd_​page04.​php. Accessed 30 Nov 2023
Zurück zum Zitat Nishihori, Y., Morikawa, T.: Analysis of the important factors affecting the acceptance of autonomous vehicles before and after test ride: Considering the awareness difference for technology and contents of test ride. J City Plann Inst Jpn 54(3), 696–702 (2019). Available at Accessed 30 Nov 2023 (In Japanese) Nishihori, Y., Morikawa, T.: Analysis of the important factors affecting the acceptance of autonomous vehicles before and after test ride: Considering the awareness difference for technology and contents of test ride. J City Plann Inst Jpn 54(3), 696–702 (2019). Available at https://​cir.​nii.​ac.​jp/​crid/​1390845702311790​720. Accessed 30 Nov 2023 (In Japanese)
Zurück zum Zitat Menon, N.: Autonomous vehicles: An empirical assessment of consumers' perceptions, intended adoption, and impacts on household vehicle ownership, University of South Florida, available at . Accessed 30 Oct 2023 Menon, N.: Autonomous vehicles: An empirical assessment of consumers' perceptions, intended adoption, and impacts on household vehicle ownership, University of South Florida, available at https://​digitalcommons.​usf.​edu . Accessed 30 Oct 2023
Autonomous Cars and Consumer Choices: A Stated Preference Approach
verfasst von
Hiroaki Miyoshi
Springer US
Erschienen in
International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research / Ausgabe 3/2024
Print ISSN: 1348-8503
Elektronische ISSN: 1868-8659


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