2024 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
Ball Milling of Copper and Zinc Alloys Followed by Their Consolidation and Application
Erschienen in: Mechanically Alloyed Novel Materials
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Ball milling is a mechanical process that involves the grinding of solid materials into small, fine particles using balls as the grinding medium. In the context of copper and zinc alloys, this process can be used to prepare fine powders of these metals or their alloys, which can then be consolidated into various forms for different applications. Copper and zinc alloys, commonly known as brass, are versatile materials with a wide range of applications due to their unique combination of properties. Here's a general overview of the process and its potential applications. This article explores the synthesis of copper and zinc alloy powders through ball milling, followed by consolidation processes and the diverse range of applications for these materials. The controlled production of alloy powders using ball milling, combined with various consolidation techniques, opens opportunities for tailored material properties suitable for industries such as electronics, architecture, and health care.