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2015 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

BarCamp: Technology Foresight and Statistics for the Future

verfasst von : Laura Azzimonti, Marzia A. Cremona, Andrea Ghiglietti, Francesca Ieva, Alessandra Menafoglio, Alessia Pini, Paolo Zanini

Erschienen in: Advances in Complex Data Modeling and Computational Methods in Statistics

Verlag: Springer International Publishing

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Barcamp is quite a new event for the scientific and technological community. In full generality, it is an “unconference”, a meeting where everyone can contribute, presenting a topic and generating a discussion. In this paper, we propose the BarCamp as an innovative way of producing and communicating statistical knowledge, and we describe the experiment held at Politecnico di Milano, entitled “Technology Foresight and Statistics for the Future”.

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BarCamp: Technology Foresight and Statistics for the Future
verfasst von
Laura Azzimonti
Marzia A. Cremona
Andrea Ghiglietti
Francesca Ieva
Alessandra Menafoglio
Alessia Pini
Paolo Zanini