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1973 | Buch

Basic Electrotechnology

verfasst von: H. Cotton, D.Sc.

Verlag: Macmillan Education UK



1. The SI System of Units
The present advanced state of the pure and applied sciences could not have been achieved without experimentation and without measurements made with the utmost accuracy possible with existing resources. By measurement we mean comparison with something of the same physical nature which is regarded as a standard. Hence, in order to state the magnitude of any physical entity we make use of two concepts, a numeric and a unit. A numeric is a number and it may be integral or fractional, positive or negative. A unit is a physical entity of such magnitude that it has a numeric of unity. Thus if we say that an electric current is equal to 10 amperes, 10 is the numeric and ampere is the name given to a current of such magnitude that it is equal to the accepted unit of current.
H. Cotton
2. Electricity
Electricity is a constituent of all matter in its normal state. There are two kinds of electricity called positive and negative and if they are brought together they tend to neutralise one another’s effects in space between them. If two quantities of electricity, one positive the other negative, completely neutralise one another’s effects then the amounts of each are said to be equal. Since matter in its normal state does not exhibit any state of electrification it follows that the amounts of the two kinds of electricity in it are equal.
H. Cotton
3. Potential
The word ‘work’ is restricted in the science of Physics to those cases in which a force has to be overcome. If a mass of 1 kg is lying on the ground it will be attracted to the earth by a force of 1 × 9.81=9.81 N.
H. Cotton
4. The Electric Current
Suppose that two separate points on a conductor such as a copper wire have a p.d. maintained between them; then an electric field will be set up inside the wire and it will act from the end at high potential V 1 towards the end at lower potential V 2 . In this case there can be no mechanism such as that of figure 3.2 to remove this internal field because the state of the conductor is dictated by an outside agency, namely the voltage source such as a battery, which maintains the p.d. (V1V2) between the ends. Consequently all the free electrons, of charge − e will be acted on by a force F= Ee acting in an axial direction from right to left, as shown in figure 4.1a.
H. Cotton
5. Power, Energy, Heat
The number of amperes flowing in a circuit = the number of coulombs /second.
H. Cotton
6. Electric Circuits
There are two basic ways in which electric circuits can be made up, namely the series arrangement and the parallel arrangement.
H. Cotton
7. Electrical Resistance
It will be obvious that if a wire is of uniform cross-section and its material is homogeneous, its electrical resistance will be proportional to its length l.
H. Cotton
8. Magnetism
The appliances we call magnets are characterised by, among other properties which are considered later, several easily demonstrated properties:
They possess at least two, sometimes more, regions which behave differently from the rest of the magnet.
If dipped into light pieces of iron, such as iron filings, these adhere in large numbers to these special regions, but in very small numbers elsewhere.
If an elongated magnet possessing these regions at its ends is suspended so that it can swing freely in a horizontal plane it will set itself in the magnetic meridian at the place where the experiment is made. In other words, it will set itself in a north-south direction.
No matter how often it may be deflected from this chosen position, if it is left to itself it will take up this favoured position. Furthermore the end which pointed to the north will again point to the north no matter how often the experiment is repeated. Obviously the other end will point to the south. The north pointing end is called the north (N) pole, and the south pointing end the south (S) pole.
If the N pole of a second magnet is presented, first to the N pole and then to the S pole of the suspended magnet, the N pole will be repelled and the S pole attracted. If the S pole of the second magnet is presented then, in this case, the N pole of the suspended magnet will be attracted, and the S pole repelled. It follows that like poles repel one another, and unlike poles attract one another.
If a piece of iron which is not in the magnetic state is presented it will be found that there is attraction of both N and S poles.
If pieces of material such as wood, glass, brass etc. are presented there will be no attraction at either end, showing that these materials are non-magnetic.
H. Cotton
9. The Magnetic Fields Produced by Electric Currents
The fact that an electric current always produces a magnetic field, no matter what the shape of the circuit may be, was discovered accidentally by Oersted in 1820. He was demonstrating what he believed to be the non-connection between electricity and magnetism. On arranging a current-carrying wire parallel to a compass needle he was surprised to find that the needle was deflected. On reversing the current the defection was reversed.
H. Cotton
10. The Magnetic Circuit
The path of an electric current is called the electric circuit.
H. Cotton
11. Induced E.M.F.
If a conductor is moved in a magnetic field in such a way as to cut across the lines of force of the field, an e.m.f. will be induced. If the conductor lies in the plane of the field or if it is moved along the lines of force, then no e.m.f. will be induced. Figure 11.1 shows two important cases.
H. Cotton
12. Capacitors Insulating Materials
Figure 12.1 shows a reservoir of very large capacity, supplying a small vessel via a pipe. If the head of water in the vessel is less than that in the reservoir, a current of water will flow along the pipe to the vessel, but as soon as the head of water is the same as that in the reservoir, this flow of water ceases. The filling of the vessel is thus accomplished by a current of temporary nature.
H. Cotton
13. Chemical Effects
When current flows in a metallic conductor, such as copper, there is no change in the apparent state of the conductor, apart, perhaps, from a rise in temperature. This is because the current is the result of an axial drift of electrons and as many electrons enter at one end as leave at the other. There are many liquids, mainly solutions of ionic compounds in which the passage of current is accompanied by a chemical change. Such liquids are called electrolytes.
H. Cotton
14. Alternating Currents
Figure 14.1 shows a line OP which rotates with uniform angular velocity w about the end O.
H. Cotton
15. Three-Phase Working. Rotating Magnetic Fields
The winding in which the e.m.f. is induced in a three-phase source consists essentially of three separate windings so disposed that there is a phase difference of 120° between each pair. Diagrammatically the arrangement is that of figure 15.1. Each separate winding is called a phase. In the diagram of induced e.m.f.s the arrows indicate the positive direction of the e.m.f. for each particular phase. If all three phases were kept separate a six-conductor line between source and load would be necessary. By interconnecting the phases the number can be reduced to three; in one special case four. There are two methods.
H. Cotton
16. The Transformer
The transformer is a stationary appliance used to change the voltage of an a.c. supply without changing the frequency. For long distance transmission very high voltages are required; for distribution, much lower voltage; and for utilisation, say in the home, voltages of the order of 240 V. The transformer is essentially a ‘close-coupled’ mutual inductor, this meaning that almost of the whole of the flux set up by the primary m m f. links with the secondary winding, and almost of the whole of the flux set up by the secondary m.m.f. links with the primary winding. In other words, the leakage flux, the flux which links with one winding only, is very small. To ensure such close coupling the windings are arranged with their coils in close physical association and they are wound on a magnetic core.
H. Cotton
17. Electric Machines
The function of all rotating electric machines is the conversion of one form of energy to another: mechanical into electrical energy in the case of generators; electrical into mechanical energy in the case of motors. The fundamental facts which make this conversion possible are first that an e.m.f. is induced in a moving conductor when it cuts the lines of force of a magnetic field, or when the number of lines of force cutting a circuit changes; and second, that a conductor carrying current is acted on by a mechanical force if it distorts the magnetic field in which it is placed. We see from the first consideration that an electric machine must consist essentially of two parts, namely that which produces the magnetic field, and that which carries the conductors in which the e.m.f.s are induced. It is obvious that there must be relative motion between these two parts.
H. Cotton
18. Electronic Devices
Imagine an enclosure provided with two electrodes, but completely evacuated. If a p.d. is applied no current can flow because of the absence of carriers. If the enclosure contains electrons these will move to the anode, enter it, and become part of an external current, but this current will cease when all the electrons have left the enclosure. For the current to be maintained there must be a continuous supply of electrons and, clearly, these must come from the cathode. The essential condition for a continued flow under steady conditions is that for each electron which enters the anode an electron must be liberated at the cathode. This necessary emission of electrons from the cathode can be accomplished in several ways, and we will consider two of these: field emission and thermionic emission. In the former, electrons at the cathode surface are pulled out by the attraction of an intense electric field, and we shall see that this necessitates positive as well as negative carriers and therefore does not apply when the carriers are electrons only. In the latter the cathode temperature is raised. This causes the ions of the metal to oscillate and collisions between ions and electrons at the surface will, if sufficiently violent, cause electron emission. Clearly the electron emission will increase as the temperature is increased.
H. Cotton
19. Electrical Measuring Instruments
There are three essential features:
A device to produce a deflecting torque on the moving part of the instrument.
A controlling device which exerts a torque in opposition to the deflecting torque whenever a deflection takes place. The deflection is that which makes these two torques equal.
A damping device to give an aperiodic motion to the moving part; that is a motion such that, if the indicating needle overshoots the mark it is brought to the correct position without oscillation.
H. Cotton
Basic Electrotechnology
verfasst von
H. Cotton, D.Sc.
Macmillan Education UK
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