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2025 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

Benchmarking Ongoing Development Output in Real-Life Software Projects

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In this case study we compare six different metrics and their suitability for productivity benchmarking on development output level. We use detailed data from four software industry projects performed by one company with overall 264 months of development and 1.1 million source lines of code. Code change, absolute growth and number of commits as well as invested effort are measured in consecutive 3-month periods. This allows us to observe alterations in productivity throughout the course of a project as well as inter-project comparisons. We find correlations between effort and the chosen output metrics as well as significant and explainable productivity differences between projects and project phases.
We also analyze whether the use of a clone detection algorithm can improve measurement by adjusting for copy & paste additions and renamed or moved code, and find that a small benefit exists. The redundancy-adjusted amount of code tokens added or modified seems to be the best metric among the selected, in particular in ongoing development where an already existing codebase is changed. Number of commits and absolute growth may complement the picture.

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With outcome describing the value for the customer and impact the value that flows back to the IT organization.
Projects A, B and D do not start at zero due to sample and prototype code that was created before the actual project start.
The extreme case would be to analyze every commit separately, as in the Git “Lines of code changed” statistics.
From a business point of view, changing the code multiple times does not represent economic value unless it was for a temporarily needed feature.
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Benchmarking Ongoing Development Output in Real-Life Software Projects
verfasst von
Jonathan Streit
Lukas Feye