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2022 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

16. Better Migration Management: Rethinking the Development and Mobility Paradigms

verfasst von : Michelle Ndiaye

Erschienen in: Forced Displacement and Migration

Verlag: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden

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Although the outmigration of Africans to Europe has always been a subject of great concern, only in 2015 did the descriptor ‘crisis’ begin to be used to refer to one of biggest movements of refugees and migrants since the Second World War. Efforts have been made by the African Union and the European Union (EU) to enhance the management of migration; however, there is an urgent need to rethink the predominant narrative a nd management approaches by the two bodies. This article draws attention to some of the veritable opportunities for better migration management, such as reconceptualizing mobility and free movement as a political and societal solution to the migration crisis; improved cooperation amongst African countries in finding lasting solutions to migration; diaspora mapping and management; and the possibilities of the EU’s support to African countries and sub-regions for a development-friendly management of migration capable of protecting migrants and enhancing the positive effects of migration such as remittances or knowledge transfers and sustainable reintegration of returning migrants into the labour market.

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There exists already a common African position on migration since 2006, and efforts had been made towards a new common African position for the UN global compact on migration (AU 2017; Abebe 2018). This common African position addresses irregular migration and protection of migrants. Moreover, there is the new African Migration Policy Framework for Africa with recommendations for member states also on the topic of irregular migration (AU 2018).
Appiah-Nyamekye Sanny/Rocca (2019) had argued that “The main reasons Africans consider leaving their country are to find a job (44%) and to escape poverty (29%), with another 6% who want to pursue their education. In a word, for opportunity that they can’t find at home”.
See e.g., de Haas (2007); Castles et al. (2014); Cuttitta (2007, 2014); IOM (2008); Lutterbeck (2006); Goldschmidt (2006).
However, as one observer notes, the relationship between the changes in migration patterns along the more dangerous CMR and the Eastern Mediterranean route, and the degree to which the two are linked, is a highly complicated one. The majority of refugees and migrants that have taken the CMR since the beginning of 2017 are nationals from parts of Africa that had made up only a tiny share of those crossing the Aegean Sea during the refugee crisis. At the same time, the share of refugees from the Middle East, particularly Syria, passing through Libya is smaller today than before summer 2015 – partly due to restrictions on Syrians residing in Turkey imposed in the context of the EU-Turkey deal to leave the country. Conversely, migrants from Northern Africa made up a significant share of those taking the Eastern Mediterranean route during the crisis. Because of the EU-Turkey deal, they are now forced to again take the more dangerous CMR. For details see Weber (2017, p. 9).
In 2016, 7%, 0.5% and 0.6% of migrants who reached Europe by sea departed respectively from Egypt, Tunisia and Algeria. See EC (2017, p. 3).
In related terms, Appiah-Nyamekye Sanny and Rocca (2019, p. 2) had submitted that”… policy makers interested in addressing the complex issues around migration …”, need to “… understand who, where, and why and therefore what appropriate and targeted response might look like.”.
The Rabat Process, set up in 2006, includes 57 countries: 27 African countries, 28 member States of the European Union, Norway, Switzerland, with Algeria as an Observer, as well as the European Commission and the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). It aims to establish a migratory dialogue, which has been consolidated over time as one of the most solid dialogues in the Euro-African area. EU-Horn of Africa Migration Route Initiative, known as the Khartoum Process is a high level, inter-continental political process that harmonizes existing African Union (AU) and EU-led frameworks. For detailed information visit https://​www.​iom.​int/​eu-horn-africa-migration-route-initiative-khartoum-process and https://​www.​iom.​int/​regional-consultative-processes-migration.
Detailed information on the website of the ETF: https://​ec.​europa.​eu/​trustfundforafri​ca/​index_​en.
See also UN (2017):”In 2017, of the 258 million international migrants worldwide, 106 million were born in Asia. Europe was the region of birth of the second largest number of migrants (61 million), followed by Latin America and the Caribbean (38 million) and Africa (36 million)”.
The Spanish policy for regular immigration is basically based on the so-called contingent for contracts of foreign workers (contingente anual de trabajadores extranjeros in Spanish). This policy establishes a number of jobs to be filled by foreign workers in the country of origin accordingly to the needs of the Spanish labour market. These needs are identified by the Spanish Government, well in consultation with Spanish regions and the employers’ and employees’ more representative organisations through the so-called Tripartite Labour Commission for Immigration (Comisión Laboral Tripartita de Immigración in Spanish), intended to manage the migratory inflows. It is worth also stressing that there are a number of public subsidies intended to favour those institutions assisting in these contingent-based policies (Eurofound 2016).
Zurück zum Zitat Black, Richard, Jonathan Crush, Sally Pederby, Savina Ammassari, Lyndsay McLean Hiker, Shannon Mouillesseaux, Claire Pooley, and Radha Rajkotia. 2006. Migration and Development in Africa. An Overview. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University. Accessed 4 October 2020. Black, Richard, Jonathan Crush, Sally Pederby, Savina Ammassari, Lyndsay McLean Hiker, Shannon Mouillesseaux, Claire Pooley, and Radha Rajkotia. 2006. Migration and Development in Africa. An Overview. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University. Accessed 4 October 2020.
Zurück zum Zitat Castles, Stephen, Hein de Haas, and Mark J. Miller. 2014. The Age of Migration: International Population Movements in the Modern World. London: Palgrave Macmillan.CrossRef Castles, Stephen, Hein de Haas, and Mark J. Miller. 2014. The Age of Migration: International Population Movements in the Modern World. London: Palgrave Macmillan.CrossRef
Zurück zum Zitat Cuttitta, Paolo. 2007. The changes in the fight against illegal immigration in the Euro-Mediterranean area and in Euro-Mediterranean relations. Genoa: University of Genoa. Cuttitta, Paolo. 2007. The changes in the fight against illegal immigration in the Euro-Mediterranean area and in Euro-Mediterranean relations. Genoa: University of Genoa.
Better Migration Management: Rethinking the Development and Mobility Paradigms
verfasst von
Michelle Ndiaye

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