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2024 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

Beyond Barriers: Comparative Insights into Machine Learning Algorithms for Autonomous Mobile Bots in Indoor Environments

verfasst von : Subhranil Das, Rashmi Kumari

Erschienen in: Advances in Photonics and Electronics

Verlag: Springer Nature Switzerland

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In this paper, the development of an Indoor Autonomous Mobile Bot has been introduced by leveraging an Ultrasonic Sensor and Infrared Sensor, in tandem with a Controller. The Ultrasonic Sensor records the obstacle distance data, while the Infrared Sensor measures the velocities of both wheels. Within this investigative framework, three Machine Learning (ML) algorithms—Adaptive Stochastic Gradient Descent Linear Regression (ASGDLR), Adaptive Coordinate Descent Logistic Regression (ACDLoR), and Adaptive Stochastic Gradient Descent LARS Regression (ASGDLARS)—are implemented for the explicit objective of negotiating obstacles within constrained spatial confines. The findings encapsulate simulation outcomes that scrutinize diverse facets of the Confusion Matrix, alongside the computational derivation of obstacle avoidance percentages in the context of singular obstacle scenarios across varying locomotive speeds.

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Beyond Barriers: Comparative Insights into Machine Learning Algorithms for Autonomous Mobile Bots in Indoor Environments
verfasst von
Subhranil Das
Rashmi Kumari