2014 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
Biomedical Engineering Research Improves the Health Care Industry
verfasst von : O. A. Lindahl, B. M. Andersson, R. Lundström, K. Ramser
Erschienen in: XIII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 2013
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The health care industry is dependent on new innovations for its survival and expansion. Health care innovations are also important for improving patient care. Through activities at the centre for biomedical engineering and physics (CMTF) we have generated growth both in academia at the universities and in the industry in northern Sweden. Fruitful cooperation was generated between 26 research projects and about 15 established companies in the field of biomedical engineering. The established researcher-owned company for business development of the research results from the CMTF, CMTF Business Development Co Ltd, has so far launched three spin-off companies and has 10 new business leads to develop. The activities have also increased the interest for commercialization and entrepreneurship among the scientists in the centre. So far a total of nine spin-off companies have resulted from the CMTF-research since the year 2000 that has improved the health care market in northern Sweden.