2014 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
Blood Pressure Variability Analysis in Supine and Sitting Position of Healthy Subjects
verfasst von : B. F. Giraldo, A. Calvo, B. Martínez, A. Arcentales, R. Jané, S. Benito
Erschienen in: XIII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 2013
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Blood pressure carries a great deal of information about people’s physical attributes. We analyzed the blood pressure signal in healthy subjects considering two positions, supine and sitting. 44 healthy subjects were studied. Parameters extracted from the blood pressure signal, related to time and frequency domain were used to compare the effect of postural position between supine and sitting. In time domain analysis, the time systolic interval and the time of blood pressure interval were higher in supine than in sitting position (
= 0.001 in both case). Parameters related to frequency peak, interquartile range, in frequency domain presented statistically significant difference (
< 0.0005 in both case). The blood pressure variability parameters presented smaller values in supine than in sitting position (
< 0.0005). In general, the position change of supine to sitting produces an increment in the pressure gradient inside heart, reflected in the blood pressure variability.