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2025 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

Build-Up of Pore Water Pressure in Coarse-Grained Soils of Similar Fabric

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The soil fabric can be manifold depending on the art of the deposition process creating the grain skeleton. It can be expected that a certain deposition method creates a specific type of the soil fabric. This deposition fabric is linked to a particular soil density. When expressed as a relative density with help of the limit densities from the standard index tests, a large range of the relative densities of different sands for one deposition method can be observed. The impact of this variation of the relative density at one particular deposition method on the build-up of the excess pore water pressure (PWP) should be clarified.
The newly developed PWP Tester enables a fast testing of the excess PWP build-up during undrained cyclic shearing in sandy soils. The tested specimens are created by water sedimentation and thus have a comparable fabric. Although the relative densities after the soil deposition  are significantly different for different soils, the rate of the PWP evolution during undrained shearing is well comparable. Consequently, the relative density should not be considered as a main factor controlling the excess PWP build-up.

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Zurück zum Zitat Bacic, B., Herle, I.: Aufbau der Porenwasserdrucks in Böden mit unterschiedlichen granulometrischen Eigenschaften. In: Ohde Kolloquium. Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau, Karlsruhe (2023) Bacic, B., Herle, I.: Aufbau der Porenwasserdrucks in Böden mit unterschiedlichen granulometrischen Eigenschaften. In: Ohde Kolloquium. Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau, Karlsruhe (2023)
Zurück zum Zitat Bacic, B., Herle, I.: A simplified cyclic shear test for pore water pressure build-up of different soils. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Deformation Characteristics of Geomaterials. ISSMGE, Porto (2023) Bacic, B., Herle, I.: A simplified cyclic shear test for pore water pressure build-up of different soils. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Deformation Characteristics of Geomaterials. ISSMGE, Porto (2023)
Zurück zum Zitat Oda, M.: Initial fabrics and their relations to mechanical properties of granular material. Soils Found. 12(1), 17–36 (1972)CrossRef Oda, M.: Initial fabrics and their relations to mechanical properties of granular material. Soils Found. 12(1), 17–36 (1972)CrossRef
Zurück zum Zitat Wichtmann, T., Triantafyllidis, T.: An experimental database for the development, calibration and verification of constitutive models for sand with focus to cyclic loading. Part I: tests with monotonic loading and stress cycles. Acta Geotech. 11(4), 739–761 (2016). Wichtmann, T., Triantafyllidis, T.: An experimental database for the development, calibration and verification of constitutive models for sand with focus to cyclic loading. Part I: tests with monotonic loading and stress cycles. Acta Geotech. 11(4), 739–761 (2016). https://​doi.​org/​10.​1007/​s11440-015-0402-zCrossRef
Build-Up of Pore Water Pressure in Coarse-Grained Soils of Similar Fabric
verfasst von
Ivo Herle
Bozana Bacic


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