2013 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
Case Study of Evolutionary Process Visualization Using Complex Networks
verfasst von : Patrik Dubec, Jan Plucar, Lukáš Rapant
Erschienen in: Nostradamus 2013: Prediction, Modeling and Analysis of Complex Systems
Verlag: Springer International Publishing
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This paper presents a case study of visualization of evolutionary process using complex network. Our previous research focused on application of evolutionary algorithms on finding global minimum of energetic function obtained in Force-directed graph drawing algorithm. This research has been combined with novel method for visualization of Differential Evolution (DE) and Self-Organizing Migration Algorithm (SOMA) process. We have developed and run our own algorithms, visualized and analyzed evolutionary complex networks obtained from their process. This paper presents improvements to the evolutionary network visualization by observing changes of some of the complex network properties during evolution. We also propose further improvements to the evolutionary network visualization.