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2024 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

5. Challenges and Future Prospects

verfasst von : Javid A Parray, Niraj Singh, A. K. Haghi

Erschienen in: Microalgae as a Sustainable Source of Green Energy Generation and Bioeconomy

Verlag: Springer Nature Switzerland

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Algal biofuels offer renewable energy options with less of an adverse effect on the environment, making them a possible substitute for fossil fuels. Nonetheless, there are many obstacles in the way of producing algae biofuels on a large scale. The high expenses associated with growing, harvesting, and conversion technologies are major economic and market constraints that currently make the production of algae biofuels less competitive when compared to conventional fuels. One of the biggest challenges is increasing output while keeping costs down. Enhancing economic viability through research and development, encouraging legislation, and market incentives will be key to the future of algae-based biofuels. This chapter focuses on the economic, environmental, and technological aspects that affect the feasibility of algae biofuels in the energy market, as well as the obstacles and prospects for further advancement in this field.

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Challenges and Future Prospects
verfasst von
Javid A Parray
Niraj Singh
A. K. Haghi