2013 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
Challenges in Development of Real Time Multi-Robot System Using Behaviour Based Agents
verfasst von : Aleksis Liekna, Egons Lavendelis, Agris Nikitenko
Erschienen in: Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence
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This paper presents a case-study regarding development challenges of multi-agent system for multi-robot system management based on our previous research of the given topic. During the development and implementation of multi-agent system prototype using JADE platform, several implementation challenges regarding messaging system were faced. These challenges may negatively impact system maintenance, burden system evolution and also cause performance issues. The latter is of special importance in the context of multi-robot systems that operate under real-time constraints. In this paper we adopt our previous research as a case study and share challenges faced during prototype multi-robot system development. We believe that potential drawbacks and pitfalls of multi-agent system development such as challenges identified in this paper should be considered with great care especially when applying multi-agent systems to real-time constrained applications such as multi-robot systems.