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2022 | Buch

Chemmotological Aspects of Sustainable Development of Transport

herausgegeben von: Sergii Boichenko, Anna Yakovlieva, Oleksandr Zaporozhets, T. Hikmet Karakoc, Iryna Shkilniuk

Verlag: Springer International Publishing

Buchreihe : Sustainable Aviation


Über dieses Buch

This book looks at chemmotological solutions to important questions surrounding sustainability and environmental safety of transport — both key priorities within the global strategy of sustainable development. Bringing together expanded versions of selected papers presented at the 8th International Scientific-Technical Conference: Problems of Chemmotology – Theory and Practice of Rational Use of Conventional and Alternative Fuels and Lubricants, contributors present solutions to problematic questions, including choosing feedstock and technologies of its processing for manufacturing alternative fuels, development and implementation of measures for improving environmental safety of transport, minimizing exhaust gases emission from transport, introducing new solution or improvements in systems of fuels supply and infrastructure, and changes in legislative and regulatory base for fuels and lubricants use. This collection will be an invaluable reference for researchers, professionals, and students involved in alternative aviation fuels, transport engineering, sustainable transport development, and fuels and lubricants.


Chapter 1. Advance in Pathways to Sustainable Aviation Fuels
The work is devoted to the analysis of modern state and advance in implementation and use of sustainable aviation fuels. The most well-studied and widespread technologies as well as new ones are analyzed and compared. Among them we have studied fuels produced by Fischer-Tropsch (FT) process, hydrotreated esters and fatty acids, synthesized isoparaffins produced from hydroprocessed fermented sugars, alcohol to jet-synthesized paraffinic kerosene, alcohol to jet-synthesized kerosene with aromatics, catalytic hydrothermolysis fuel, hydroprocessed depolymerized cellulosic jet, hydrodeoxygenated synthesized kerosene, and hydrodeoxygenated synthesized aromatic kerosene. Feedstocks used for fuel production as well as physical-chemical properties of alternative aviation fuels are studied and compared. New challenges in the sphere of alternative aviation fuel production and use are faced out.
Anna Yakovlieva, Sergii Boichenko
Chapter 2. Effect of Polymer Additives on the Rheological Properties of Heavy High-Viscosity Oil
A study was conducted to determine the effect of polymer additives on the rheological properties of heavy oil, which reduce the viscosity of the oil. To study the rheological properties, we used high-viscosity oil from the Yablunivskoye field (Ukraine, Poltava region) from two wells. To improve the rheological properties of the oil, polymer additives were added and the dynamic viscosity and shear stress were determined by comparison with the properties of pure oils. To improve the rheological properties, polyethylene glycol, polypropylene glycol, and demulsifier brand PM were used. The dynamic viscosity and shear stress of the samples from both wells were investigated at different temperatures. After adding the polymer additives, the measurement was performed again. The addition of polymer additives PEG, PPG, copolymers of ethylene oxide, and propylene to highly viscous oils significantly reduces the viscosity and shear stress and reduces energy consumption during oil production and transportation. To reduce the viscosity of oil and oil production, it is necessary to enter the solvent in the amount of 20–30%. The residue after distillation will be high-quality residual bitumen.
Тetiana Yarmola, Viktoria Romanchuk, Volodymyr Skorokhoda, Petro Topilnytskyy
Chapter 3. Phenomenological Probabilistic Model of Friction Pair Wear Taking into Account Thermal Mechanical Stability of Boundary Layers
The results of researches for wear of friction pairs in the conditions of combined rolling and sliding and approbation of them on the basis of a model of tribological layer wear as a random Markov process with discrete time and states are presented. The model is used for interpretation of experimental dependences of wear intensity on the set of basic factors which include thermomechanical stability of boundary lubricant films on contact surfaces, type of lubricant, friction pair material hardening by thermocyclic ionic nitriding, local contact temperature increase, etc. It has been established that the wear of nitrided contact surfaces of steel 40× depends on the lubricant type and boundary films formed under friction, which are characterized not only by low shear resistance with increasing shear rate gradient of lubricating layers but also by reduction of propagation of elastic-plastic deformation deep into the metal.
Oksana Mikosianchyk, Rudolf Mnatsakanov, Vitalii Tokaruk, Olena Kharchenko
Chapter 4. Revisiting the Synthesis of Fatty Acid Alkyl Esters of Lower Monohydric Alcohols by Homogeneous Base-Catalyzed Transesterification of Vegetable Oils
This work deals with alkaline-only route of synthesis of ethyl and n-butyl esters (as more sustainable biodiesel) from low-grade oils, having acid number up to 5.0–5.7 mg KOH/g. The aim of the study was to make insight into the peculiarities of synthesis and self-separation, when reactions is catalyzed by potassium alkoxides’ (ethoxide and n-butoxide) catalytic solutions, prepared according to patent-pending methods, using only KOH and corresponding alcohols. Favorable conditions, providing high yield and proper self-separation of transesterification products, were found. Such conditions combine the slightly below-ambient temperature (10–18 °C), relatively short reaction time (20–45 min), and low excess of alcohol (molar ratio to oil 4.5–5:1) with the relatively high load of corresponding alkoxide (0.9–1.4% in terms of KOH plus excess for oil neutralization). The sedimentation of the large part of glycerol and catalyst as the primary high-pure glycerol layer was observed, and studies on the possibility of its reuse in catalysis are needed. The impossibility of obtaining fuel-grade esters from wasted frying oils using conventional purification methods was shown and the necessity of vacuum distillation as final or only purification stage was experimentally substantiated.
Serhii Konovalov, Stepan Zubenko, Lyubov Patrylak, Anjela Yakovenko, Volodymyr Povazhnyi, Kateryna Burlachenko
Chapter 5. Cultivating Microalgae in Wastewaters for Biofuel and Fertilizer Production
Production of alternative fuels from microalgae is a promising trend, as it does not require significant land areas. However, modern technologies of cultivation and production do not allow making this process cost-effective. At the same time, known methods of removing biogenic elements from wastewater are not always environmentally safe. The urgent task is to find new methods and technologies. The aim of the study is to demonstrate the possible economic efficiency and environmental safety of the combination of wastewater treatment from nitrogen and phosphorus compounds with the simultaneous cultivation of microalgae for the production of biofuels and biofertilizers. The object of research is the processes of cultivation of mycoalgae, as well as the production of biofuels and biofertilizers. The subject of the research is the economic efficiency and environmental safety of these processes. It is shown that the combination of purification processes with production can not only achieve economic efficiency but also reduce the factor of atmospheric pollution by carbon dioxide by 5.36%, as well as factors of pollution of the hydrosphere: phosphates by 89.5%, ammonium nitrogen by 94.4%, and nitrates by 70.7%.
S. Shamanskyi, S. Boichenko, I. Nezbrytska, L. Pavliukh
Chapter 6. Development of New Structured Honeycomb Fiber Catalysts for Hydrocarbon Conversion to Carbon-Free Fuel
The optimal composition of high-performance catalyst Ni-MxOy/Al2O3 (MxOy: Na2O, K2O, La2O3, CeO2, NiO) on structured ceramic carriers (cordierite) is used for the reforming processes of methane and C2-C4-alkanes (oxygen, steam, carbon) with obtaining of hydrogen (synthesis gas, including with a given ratio of H2/CO). The nature of the effect of modifying additives – oxides of alkaline, rare earth elements influences on the selectivity, yield of target products (hydrogen, synthesis gas), resistance to sulfur-containing compounds and loss of activity due to carbon accumulation. Structured catalysts on fibrous carriers with an efficient electric heater built into the honeycomb blocks have been developed. Laboratory studies of the mechanism and kinetics of methane vapor reforming in an integrated (gradient less) reactor have been carried out. The kinetic equations of steam conversion reactions as well as “water shear” reactions are derived. The values of the kinetic constants of reforming and activation energies in kinetic equations of the Langmuir-Hinshelwood type are established. The obtained numerical data are recommended for calculations of processes and reactors of reforming by methods of mathematical modeling.
Hennady Soloviov, Andryi Halstian, Andryi Bushuev
Chapter 7. Providing Wasteless Manufacturing of Aviation Biofuels by Using Camelina Seed Residues for Producing Functional Bread
The potential of using camelina as a raw material for obtaining alternative aviation fuels and functional food as a part of the nutritious bread recipe is defined. For the first time modern biotechnological approaches in the field of using camelina seeds as the main waste of bioenergy conversion, in the practice of increasing the biomass of lactic acid bacteria in the dough, are investigated. It is also for the first time that the efficiency of using an energy source in the form of ATP has been proven in the practice of flour component fermentation with the symbiosis of pure lactic acid bacteria cultures. It is recommended that lactulose in combination with camelina and ATP should be used as growth stimulants for lactic acid bacteria to improve biotechnological parameters of the process: lifting power on the ball, acidity, fermentation activity, intensity of gas formation and biomass of lactic acid bacteria. The technological scheme for producing functional bread using pure cultures of lactic acid bacteria has been improved by applying energy-efficient technologies. The calculations have confirmed the energy efficiency of the presented technology for producing functional bread, which is 28% compared to the classical technology.
Iryna Korniienko, Andrii Anatskyi, Mykhailo Baranovskyi
Chapter 8. Technologies for Restoring Soil from Oil Pollution
The growth and development of alfalfa plants on soils contaminated with oil and fuels and lubricants have been studied. Seeds of alfalfa (Medicago lupulina L.) plants were industrially treated with Rhizobium meliloti bacteria (titer 108) in a capsule and sown in the soil in the field. The research was carried out in the lab as described above and in model areas. Two studies were conducted: treatment of crude oil with a density of 0.96 g/ml in the amount of 50 ml of oil per 1 kg of soil, which corresponds to 48 g/kg. In the second study, 100 ml of oil per 1 of soil, corresponding to 96 /kg, was added to the test soil. Soil without oil was taken as a control. The use of alfalfa for phytoremediation of oil-contaminated soils reduced the oil content by 69% and 84% depending on the type of soil (gray forest and chernozem leached soils, respectively) and the initial stage of restoring their fertility and increasing the productivity of agrocenoses. The results of the study can be used in various industries to clean the environment contaminated with petroleum products, fuels, and lubricants.
Nadiia Adamchuk-Chala, Sergii Ponomarenko, Liubov Yankiv-Vitkovska, Yelyzaveta Chala
Chapter 9. Investigation for a Sustainable Use of Fossil Coal Through the Dynamics of Interaction of Smokeless Solid Fuel with Oxygen and the Possibilities of Its Practical Application
The conceptual approach to the energy chemical-technological processing of a mixture of low-baking coals and coal preparation wastes was substantiated. Some comparative studies of the dynamics and kinetics of combustion of smokeless solid fuel and various types of thermal coal were carried out. The dependences of the interaction rate of anthracite coke residues, highly metamorphosed coal, low-metamorphosed coal, and smokeless solid fuel with atmospheric oxygen on the degree of conversion and characteristics of the dynamics of their burnout were obtained. The results of practical application of smokeless solid fuel as a carbon reducer in the production of ferroalloys are presented. The proposed technology allows to increase the efficiency of ferroalloy furnaces of the by 5–10% and reduce energy consumption by 5–7%. An ecological and economic estimation of the use of smokeless solid fuel during its combustion was carried out.
Yevgen Zbykovskyy, Iryna Shvets
Chapter 10. Improvement of Diesel Engine Parameters by Using of Alcohol Conversion
The article is aimed at solving the task of converting existing diesel drives to gas fuels, which are more environmentally friendly and cheaper alternatives to diesel fuels. Method of energy efficiency increasing of alternative fuel has been improved. Alternative methanol fuel has been chosen as initial product for conversion process, and its cost, temperature conditions, and energy value have been taken into account. Calculations showed that the thermal effects from combustion of the converted mixture of 2Н and СО exceed the effect from combustion of the same amount of nonconvertible methanol. Engine power and fuel energy were increased due to thermochemical regeneration of exhaust gas heat. An experimental setup was created to study the operation of converted diesel engines on methanol conversion product. Experimental studies of economic, power, and environmental parameters of converted diesel engines for methanol conversion products were performed. Formation of nitrogen oxides in the exhaust gases decreased by 53–60%, and carbon monoxide occurred in the range of 52–62% according to loading on the engine. Conversion of diesel engines for methanol conversion products is very profitable because the price of methanol is, on average, 10–20% of the cost of diesel fuel.
Sviatoslav Kryshtopa, Liudmyla Kryshtopa, Myroslav Panchuk, Volodymyr Korohodskyi, Igor Prunko, Ivan Mykytii
Chapter 11. Influence of Microbiological Pollution on Properties of Motor Fuels
The study concerns microbiological destruction process and factors influencing its extent in the diesel fuel containing fatty acid methyl esters. Microbiological contamination of traditional and alternative fuels is not understood well. An assessment of the morphological and cultural characteristics of microorganisms leading to microbiological damage of motor fuels is given, methods for its reduction are studied. An improved method for detecting the presence of microbiological damage to fuel and quantifying its degree has been developed. Microorganisms present in the fuel were isolated, characterized, and identified. Among them are active destructors of fuels and structural materials. The fuel samples tested were found to be contaminated with fungi and large numbers of bacteria that could cause fuel problems. Severe monitoring and maintenance of fuel systems is recommended. A biocidal additive for suppressing the growth of microorganisms has been proposed.
Olena Shevchenko, Daryna Popytailenko
Chapter 12. System for Monitoring Microbiological Contamination of Jet Fuels and Fuel Systems
The work is devoted to study the problem of microbiological pollution of aviation fuels and systems of aviation fuel storage and supply. Microbiological pollution is considered as a specific type of pollution, represented by fungi, bacteria, and yeasts, that brings significant damage to technological equipment for fuel supply and fuel quality itself. Theoretical and practical aspects of microorganism appearance and accumulation in jet fuel are analyzed and systematized. Special attention is paid to the issue of microbiological pollution development in aviation biofuels. The methods of microbiological pollution early-time detection and prevention are proposed. It is shown that implementation and execution of the developed monitoring system will allow to stop the transfer of aviation fuel with microbiological contamination, prevent the occurrence of biocorrosion of operating materials and the violation of the serviceability of filters, as well as exclude the refueling of aircraft with fuel with signs of biopollution.
Iryna Shkilniuk, Sergii Boichenko, Tetyana Kondratiuk, Kazimierz Lejda
Chapter 13. Kinetics of Dissolution of Oil Deposits
The study is devoted to determining the kinetic characteristics of the process of dissolution of asphalt-resin-paraffin deposits (ARPD) by petroleum fractions, as well as solvents and compositions based on them. The investigation of the kinetics of dissolution of deposits and the influence of additives on this process is relevant, as the use of solvents will reduce the cost of cleaning and repair of process equipment of refineries and pipelines. The purpose of the study is to select solvents that allow to effectively remove various types of ARPD. The object of research is the process of dissolution of ARPD and the factors that affect its rate. The subject of research includes the influence of the nature of the solvent, its temperature, as well as the addition of additives to the rate of dissolution of deposits.
Olena Tertyshna, Kostiantyn Zamikula, Oleh Tertyshnyi, Viacheslav Polishchuk
Chapter 14. Cavitation Treatment of Gas Condensate Gasoline, Modified with Monohydric Alcohols
The process of modification of gas condensate gasoline with monohydric alcohols (bioethanol, isopropanol, isobutanol) using the method of selective energy supply, through cavitation treatment of alcohol-gasoline mixtures with a given intensity, is considered. A series of experimental studies in the concentration range from 0.5% to 10% by volume of alcohol in the mixture at the intensity of cavitation treatment from zero to ten cycles at a pressure at the outlet of the cavitation nozzle reactor of 9.0 MPa. An increase in the octane number with an increase in the number of cavitation treatment cycles in the entire investigated concentration range is shown. It is proved that cavitation treatment allows to reduce by 5–25% (depending on the concentration of alcohol and its type) the amount of alcohol added to the alcohol-gasoline mixture for the production of commercial gasolines A-95 and A-98. It is shown that with the increase of molecular weight of alcohol, the number of cycles of cavitation treatment, which is necessary to achieve a stable effect of octane number increase, increases. The basic technological scheme of production of alcohol-gasoline mixtures modified in the cavitation field is offered.
Sergii Kudryavtsev, Oleksii Tselishchev, Sergii Boichenko, Marina Loriia
Chemmotological Aspects of Sustainable Development of Transport
herausgegeben von
Sergii Boichenko
Anna Yakovlieva
Oleksandr Zaporozhets
T. Hikmet Karakoc
Iryna Shkilniuk
Electronic ISBN
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