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2024 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

13. Citizen Action and Advocacy

verfasst von : Sneha Gautam, Alok Sagar Gautam, Amit Awasthi, Ramsundram N.

Erschienen in: Sustainable Air

Verlag: Springer Nature Switzerland

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Education and awareness are crucial for addressing air pollution and fostering a culture of environmental stewardship. This chapter examines the role of education in empowering individuals and communities to understand the sources and impacts of air pollution, as well as the actions they can take to reduce it. It discusses the integration of air quality topics into school curricula, public awareness campaigns, and community engagement initiatives. The chapter emphasizes the significance of youth involvement in environmental advocacy and highlights successful programs that promote hands-on learning experiences and community activism. Furthermore, it explores the potential of digital platforms and social media in raising awareness and mobilizing action against air pollution. By fostering a well-informed public, education can catalyze collective action toward cleaner air and a more sustainable future.

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Zurück zum Zitat Mead, M. I., Popoola, O. A. M., Stewart, G. B., Landshoff, P., Calleja, M., Hayes, M., Baldovi, J. J., McLeod, M. W., Hodgson, T. F., Dicks, J., Lewis, A., Cohen, J., Baron, R., Saffell, J. R., & Jones, R. L. (2013). The use of electrochemical sensors for monitoring urban air quality in low-cost, high-density networks. Atmospheric Environment, 70, 186–203. Mead, M. I., Popoola, O. A. M., Stewart, G. B., Landshoff, P., Calleja, M., Hayes, M., Baldovi, J. J., McLeod, M. W., Hodgson, T. F., Dicks, J., Lewis, A., Cohen, J., Baron, R., Saffell, J. R., & Jones, R. L. (2013). The use of electrochemical sensors for monitoring urban air quality in low-cost, high-density networks. Atmospheric Environment, 70, 186–203. https://​doi.​org/​10.​1016/​j.​atmosenv.​2012.​11.​060CrossRef
Zurück zum Zitat OpenAQ. Fighting air inequality through open data and community (2021). OpenAQ. Fighting air inequality through open data and community (2021).
Zurück zum Zitat UNFCCC. 2016. “Country Statement for COP-22, Marrakech, Morocco: India.” Statement by Mr. Anil Madhav Dave, MOEFCC.op22cmp12cma1_hls.pdf. UNFCCC. 2016. “Country Statement for COP-22, Marrakech, Morocco: India.” Statement by Mr. Anil Madhav Dave, MOEFCC.op22cmp12cma1_hls.pdf.
Citizen Action and Advocacy
verfasst von
Sneha Gautam
Alok Sagar Gautam
Amit Awasthi
Ramsundram N.