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2025 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

Classification of Khasi Dialects Using Spectrogram Augmentation and Pre-trained Models

verfasst von : Khiakupar Jyndiang, Joyprakash Singh Lairenlakpam

Erschienen in: Advances in Communication, Devices and Networking

Verlag: Springer Nature Singapore

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Using the pre-trained models, this paper discusses the classification of four Khasi dialects—Sohra, Nongkrem, Mairang, and Maram dialects. Mel-spectrogram images were extracted from speech audio of the above four dialects with time masking augmentation. With pre-trained AlexNet and ResNet18 models, we obtained remarkable outcomes in our dialect spectrogram identification study. In our experiment, we got a decent validation accuracy of 93.58%, 93.25%, and 93.20% by AlexNet with 8, 15, and 25 epochs, respectively. Again, with the same epochs, ResNet18 achieved accuracy rates of 88.23%, 93.55%, and 93.57%.

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Classification of Khasi Dialects Using Spectrogram Augmentation and Pre-trained Models
verfasst von
Khiakupar Jyndiang
Joyprakash Singh Lairenlakpam
Springer Nature Singapore