2014 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
Closed-Loop Modulation of a Notch-Filter Stimulation Strategy for Tremor Management with a Neuroprosthesis
verfasst von : J. A. Gallego, E. Rocon, J. M. Belda-Lois, J. L. Pons
Erschienen in: XIII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 2013
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Tremor is the most common movement disorder, and one of the major causes of functional disability. In spite of the existence of various treatments, tremor is not managed effectively in a large number of patients, which make it a major cause of loss of quality of life. Here we present a novel strategy for tremor suppression through neurostimulation that replicates an adaptive notch-filter at the frequency of the tremor. The controller, which adapts the neurostimulation to the ongoing amplitude, frequency and phase of the tremor, is implemented in a wearable neuroprosthesis for tremor management. Experimental results in one patient with severe essential tremor illustrate the interest of the approach.