2013 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
Cloud-Based Platform to Labor Integration of Deaf People
verfasst von : Amparo Jiménez, Amparo Casado, Javier Bajo, Fernando De la Prieta, Juan Francisco De Paz
Erschienen in: Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence
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The new model of labor relations established by the Spanish Royal Decree-Law (3/2012) on urgent measures for labor reform has among its objectives the promotion of inclusion in the labor market of more advantaged groups, including the people with disabilities. This paper presents a cloud-based platform aimed at obtaining an on-line workspace to provide facilities to inform, train and evaluate the competencies of disabled people, and more specifically those skills required to facilitate the labor integration of individuals with auditory disabilities. This platform presented in this paper has been tested in a real environment and the results obtained are promising.