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Collaborative filtering integrated fine-grained sentiment for hybrid recommender system

verfasst von: Rawaa Alatrash, Rojalina Priyadarshini, Hadi Ezaldeen

Erschienen in: The Journal of Supercomputing | Ausgabe 4/2024


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Developing online educational platforms necessitates the incorporation of new intelligent procedures in order to improve long-term student experience. Presently, e-learning Recommender Systems rely on deep learning methods to recommend appropriate e-learning materials to the students based on their learner profiles. Fine-grained sentiment analysis (FSA) can be leveraged to enrich the recommender system. Users posted reviews and rating data are vital in accurately directing the student to the appropriate e-learning resources based on posted comments by comparable learners. Innovative has been made in this work to propose a new e-learning recommendation system based on individualization and FSA. A new framework is proposed based on collaborative filtering models (CFMs) integrating with fine-grained sentiment analysis (FSA) for hybrid recommendation (CFISAR) for effective recommendations. CFMs attempt to capture the learner's latent factors based on their selections of interest to build the learner profile. FSA models are introduced to deliver e-content with the highest ranked ratings related to the learner’s area and interests based on the extracted learner model. Moreover, a new approach is proposed to update the system continuously and not keep it bound to certain items by adding new books, where the initial rating of these new books is predicted based on FSA models. CFISAR is explored utilizing six CFMs to generate the prediction matrix and derive the learner model, resulting in a low MSE of 0.699 for Asymmetric SVD. The system used multiplication word embeddings for stronger corpus representation that were trained on a dataset generated for an educational context, and leveraging the goodness of deep learning, which predicted an accuracy of 0.9264% for the Peephole algorithm, that performed better than other models.

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Collaborative filtering integrated fine-grained sentiment for hybrid recommender system
verfasst von
Rawaa Alatrash
Rojalina Priyadarshini
Hadi Ezaldeen
Springer US
Erschienen in
The Journal of Supercomputing / Ausgabe 4/2024
Print ISSN: 0920-8542
Elektronische ISSN: 1573-0484