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01.01.2016 | Future Fuels

Commercialization of Low Carbon Methanol

verfasst von: Dr.-Ing. Christian Bergins, Esther Laura Fox, M. Sc., SM K. C. Tran, MCP Paul Wuebben

Erschienen in: ATZextra worldwide | Sonderheft 11/2016


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There are many initiatives worldwide for using methanol as a fuel and taking advantage of its numerous benefits compared to conventional fuels. This article describes how the low-CO2 production of methanol can already be implemented on a large industrial scale today. …

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Commercialization of Low Carbon Methanol
verfasst von
Dr.-Ing. Christian Bergins
Esther Laura Fox, M. Sc.
SM K. C. Tran
MCP Paul Wuebben
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden
Erschienen in
ATZextra worldwide / Ausgabe Sonderheft 11/2016
Print ISSN: 2195-1470
Elektronische ISSN: 2195-1489

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