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2025 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

Comparison of SPV System Performance with DAST System Using MPPT Algorithms

verfasst von : Paruchuri Chandra Babu Naidu, R. Jayashree, S. Rajasekaran, J. N. Swaminathan

Erschienen in: Innovative Computing and Communications

Verlag: Springer Nature Singapore

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The solar panel has low rate of conversion of energy due to different factors such as temperature around the panel, atmospheric conditions and shadows on the solar panel, dirt, ice, inverter efficiency and battery efficiency. The factors mentioned above reduce the efficiency of the panel, i.e., the power delivered by the panel does not meet the desired requirements. In addition to this, another drawback is the solar irradiance, i.e., the intensity of sun light per respective area of the panel. The concert of the solar tracker is more competent, if the extreme intensity of sunlight is fascinated. Dual Axis Solar Tracking Systems (DASTS) are proposed to overwhelm this faultiness. The Dual Axis Tracker (DAT) will give greater efficiency when related to Single Axis Tracker (SAT). The tracker energetically tracks the sun and deviations its locus consequently to get exhaust the possibilities output power. The solar panel can be utilized to its maximum potential with a charge regulator known as Maximum Power Point Tracker (MPPT). The proposed system is attentive on numerous Maximum Power Point (MPP) control procedures to magnet the extreme power of the solar array. The proposed system comprises the comparison between P&O algorithm and IC algorithm. The comparison between the dual axis solar tracker with and without MPPT algorithms will be observed using simulation and hardware in the proposed system.

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Comparison of SPV System Performance with DAST System Using MPPT Algorithms
verfasst von
Paruchuri Chandra Babu Naidu
R. Jayashree
S. Rajasekaran
J. N. Swaminathan
Springer Nature Singapore