2013 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
Complex System Simulation Parameters Settings Methodology
verfasst von : Michal Janošek, Václav Kocian, Eva Volná
Erschienen in: Nostradamus 2013: Prediction, Modeling and Analysis of Complex Systems
Verlag: Springer International Publishing
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This article extends (Janošek and Kocian 2013) and deals with simulation parameters setting methodology proposal for complex system behaviour adaptation. Therefore the article focuses on system adaptation where there is an effort to find such means of mediating the system’s behaviour that would make it possible to adapt to the current state of the system and the environment and react to the changes so that the desired behaviour of the system is kept in specified limits or patterns of behaviour. The instruments of regulating the system’s behaviour are its parameters. In recognizing the parameters’ importance, this work is inspired by the leverage point theory (Meadows 1999) and builds on its approach to the system cognizance. The adaptation of the system’s behaviour itself consists of recognizing these characteristic patterns using neural networks and the subsequent mediation of the system’s behaviour through selected parameters and their action ranges based on pre-prepared expectations of what will happen if the system’s behaviour exhibits a known characteristic pattern.