2014 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
Computational Study on Aneurysm Hemodynamics Affected by a Deformed Parent Vessel after Stenting
verfasst von : W. Jeong, M. H. Han, K. Rhee
Erschienen in: XIII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 2013
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To investigate the hemodynamic alterations of a deformed parent vessel after stenting, flow field change after parent vessel stenting was analyzed using computational fluid dynamics. Effects of branch angle change in the vessel bifurcation after stenting on hemodynamic parameters were considered. The results showed that inflow rate, mean velocity, and mean kinetic energy in an aneurysm decreased in the stented vessel comparing to those in the vessel without a stent, which showed flow diversion effects of a stent. Inflow rate, mean velocity, mean kinetic energy in an aneurysm, and maximum wall shear stresses in the parent vessel and in the aneurysm dome increased in the deformed vessel model due to branching angle increase. Parent vessel deformation after stenting should be considered because it could provide unfavorable hemodynamic environment for aneurysm embolization.