2013 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
Computed-Torque Control of a Four-Degree-of-Freedom Admittance Controlled Intelligent Assist Device
verfasst von : Alexandre Lecours, Clément Gosselin
Erschienen in: Experimental Robotics
Verlag: Springer International Publishing
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Robots are used in different applications to enhance human performance and in the future, these interactions will become more frequent. In order to achieve this human augmentation, the cooperation must be very intuitive to the human operator. This paper proposes a computed-torque control scheme for pHRI using admittance control. The admittance model is first introduced. Then, the robot identification, the computed-torque approach and the saturation considerations are addressed. The intelligent assist device used for the experiments is then presented. Finally, experimental results that demonstrate the performance of the algorithm are provided.