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2019 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

6. Conclusions

verfasst von : Pietro Gottardo, Anna Maria Moisello

Erschienen in: Capital Structure, Earnings Management, and Risk of Financial Distress

Verlag: Springer International Publishing

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This book focuses the effect of family control and influence on some aspects of family firms’ financial behavior. The first chapter introduces the theoretical framework, literature overview and the research questions. The second chapter analyzes the effect of family members’ affective endowments on a firm’s leverage. The third chapter studies the effect of leverage on a company’s likelihood of financial distress, pointing out the moderating effect of the owning family’s involvement in the business. The fourth chapter addresses the issue of family firms’ earnings management practices around equity and bond issues whilst the fifth chapter analyzes the effect of disclosure quality on a firm’s market value, taking into account equity and bond issues. This chapter concludes the book, providing an overview of the research, pointing out the main implications and contribution. It also discusses the limitation of our work and provides suggestions for further advances.

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verfasst von
Pietro Gottardo
Anna Maria Moisello

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