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2024 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

6. Conclusions

verfasst von : Priscilla Schelp, Heather Skipworth, Emel Aktas, Beate Vieth

Erschienen in: Supply Chain Disruptions and Stock Prices

Verlag: Springer Nature Switzerland

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This chapter synthesises the key findings of the study, emphasising the significant impact of hurricane-related events on stock prices and the importance of proactive risk management. The research highlights that hurricane announcements, whether general or specific to incidents, generally trigger negative stock price reactions. It underscores the importance of industry-specific preparation and effective supply chain risk management, with transparency in corporate communication playing a crucial role in mitigating adverse effects. The study contributes to both academic knowledge and practical applications, offering valuable insights for firms in managing hurricane-related risks and preparing for future challenges.

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verfasst von
Priscilla Schelp
Heather Skipworth
Emel Aktas
Beate Vieth

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