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2021 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

Conditional Invertible Neural Networks for Diverse Image-to-Image Translation

verfasst von : Lynton Ardizzone, Jakob Kruse, Carsten Lüth, Niels Bracher, Carsten Rother, Ullrich Köthe

Erschienen in: Pattern Recognition

Verlag: Springer International Publishing

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We introduce a new architecture called a conditional invertible neural network (cINN), and use it to address the task of diverse image-to-image translation for natural images. This is not easily possible with existing INN models due to some fundamental limitations. The cINN combines the purely generative INN model with an unconstrained feed-forward network, which efficiently preprocesses the conditioning image into maximally informative features. All parameters of a cINN are jointly optimized with a stable, maximum likelihood-based training procedure. Even though INN-based models have received far less attention in the literature than GANs, they have been shown to have some remarkable properties absent in GANs, e.g. apparent immunity to mode collapse. We find that our cINNs leverage these properties for image-to-image translation, demonstrated on day to night translation and image colorization. Furthermore, we take advantage of our bidirectional cINN architecture to explore and manipulate emergent properties of the latent space, such as changing the image style in an intuitive way.

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Conditional Invertible Neural Networks for Diverse Image-to-Image Translation
verfasst von
Lynton Ardizzone
Jakob Kruse
Carsten Lüth
Niels Bracher
Carsten Rother
Ullrich Köthe