2014 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
Connecting HL7 with Software Analysis: A Model-Based Approach
verfasst von : A. Martínez-García, M. J. Escalona, C. L. Parra-Calderón
Erschienen in: XIII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 2013
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HL7 is an international organization that defines standards on health information systems. Most HL7 domain information models are designed according to an own graphic language. All this domain models are based in a unique metamodel. In the last years, many researchers have considered the possibility of using HL7 in the Model Driven Engineering (MDE) context. However, we have identified a weakness: most MDE tools do not support HL7 own model language, but all of them support UML standard model language. The present research area aims to connect HL7 with software analysis through a model-based approach.