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2023 | Buch

Contemporary Macroeconomics

New Global Disorder

verfasst von: Vasilii Erokhin, Gao Tianming, Jean Vasile Andrei

Verlag: Springer Nature Singapore

Buchreihe : Springer Texts in Business and Economics


Über dieses Buch

This book covers a lot of ground in contemporary macroeconomics, from fundamental theories such as market structures and equilibrium to emerging concepts that reflect the most critical challenges of modern times, including economic slowdowns, the resilience of public health systems, digitalization, environmental footprints, and many more. The COVID-19 outbreak has aggravated the recurrent problems of poverty and income inequality between countries, food insecurity and hunger, unemployment, and social disorders that have resulted in the exacerbation of political, economic, and trade tensions between countries. In view of the damaging consequences of the pandemic for the entire global economy, the book examines how existing macroeconomic tools and policies could be adapted to the new normal to ensure sustainable post-pandemic development and growth.

The main text is interspersed with real-life illustrations and cases that demonstrate practical implications of the concepts under study. This makes the reading relevant and active. Every chapter starts with learning objectives and ends with a series of questions and quizzes that enable easier reinforcement of the course content. This book is written mainly for students, but it would be much useful to the broader public audience, including postgraduates, researchers, and business people who will be able to learn all recent updates about macroeconomics and the post-pandemic perspectives of the global economy.



Essentials of Macroeconomics

Chapter 1. Introduction
Understand the subject of macroeconomics and major differences between macroeconomics and microeconomics.
Vasilii Erokhin, Gao Tianming, Jean Vasile Andrei
Chapter 2. Macroeconomic Indicators
Learn how to calculate costs, revenue, and profit and understand the relationship between various types of these parameters.
Vasilii Erokhin, Gao Tianming, Jean Vasile Andrei
Chapter 3. Market Structures
Understand the concepts of market, market structure, and market concentration
Vasilii Erokhin, Gao Tianming, Jean Vasile Andrei
Chapter 4. Major Actors in Contemporary Markets
Understand the fundamentals of macroeconomic policies and the role of the state in the market.
Vasilii Erokhin, Gao Tianming, Jean Vasile Andrei

Disequilibrium Macroeconomics

Chapter 5. Demand and Supply
Learn about the concepts of demand and supply
Vasilii Erokhin, Gao Tianming, Jean Vasile Andrei
Chapter 6. Macroeconomic Equilibrium
Understand the concept of macroeconomic equilibrium
Vasilii Erokhin, Gao Tianming, Jean Vasile Andrei
Chapter 7. Economic Cycles
Understand the concepts of cyclicity and economic cycle
Vasilii Erokhin, Gao Tianming, Jean Vasile Andrei
Chapter 8. Disequilibrium and Unemployment
Explore the specifics of demand for labor and supply of labor.
Vasilii Erokhin, Gao Tianming, Jean Vasile Andrei
Chapter 9. Disequilibrium and Inflation
Learn the meaning and types of inflation
Vasilii Erokhin, Gao Tianming, Jean Vasile Andrei

Market Failure

Chapter 10. Government Interventions in Unbalanced Markets
Understand what market failures mean and how they occur.
Vasilii Erokhin, Gao Tianming, Jean Vasile Andrei
Chapter 11. Money
Explore the essence of money and its role in the economy.
Vasilii Erokhin, Gao Tianming, Jean Vasile Andrei
Chapter 12. Credit and Banking
Learn the fundamentals of credit.
Vasilii Erokhin, Gao Tianming, Jean Vasile Andrei
Chapter 13. Public Finance
Learn the fundamentals of finance and the financial system
Vasilii Erokhin, Gao Tianming, Jean Vasile Andrei
Chapter 14. Social Issues of Economic Growth
Along with the imbalances in various markets (discussed in the above chapters in Part III), which shape the new normal economic reality, inequality (in its diverse manifestations) is a major setback to ensuring sustainable economic development.
Vasilii Erokhin, Gao Tianming, Jean Vasile Andrei

The New Normal Development and Growth

Chapter 15. Foundations of Economic Development
The entire macroeconomic stability of the state depends on the parameters of its economic development (type, drivers, growth rate, etc.). Economic development encompasses many interrelated processes and systems. Economic development models in different countries have standard features despite specific individual differences.
Vasilii Erokhin, Gao Tianming, Jean Vasile Andrei
Chapter 16. Technological Choice and Development
Economic development is directly related to the ability of an economic actor to produce competitive products.
Vasilii Erokhin, Gao Tianming, Jean Vasile Andrei
Chapter 17. Human Capital and Economic Development
The post-industrial economy is characterized by large-scale implementation of intellectual activity outcomes (scientific and technical creativity and innovation) in public production. One of the main concerns of the government policy is human capital, while the principal economic tasks are to increase the volume of human capital and improve its quality.
Vasilii Erokhin, Gao Tianming, Jean Vasile Andrei
Chapter 18. Post-pandemic Sustainable Development: The Farer-Reaching Perspective
Economic development aimed exclusively at maximizing profits and minimizing costs has hit the environment and society hard. Ecological decay, climate change, and social and gender inequality are only some manifestations of systemic crises that we all have faced since the late XX century.
Vasilii Erokhin, Gao Tianming, Jean Vasile Andrei

Globalization and International Competitiveness

Chapter 19. Theories of International Trade and Competitiveness
The economic knowledge in the sphere of international trade goes back centuries and covers almost all schools of economic thought.
Vasilii Erokhin, Gao Tianming, Jean Vasile Andrei
Chapter 20. International Capital Flows and Exchange
As it follows from the theories of international trade discussed in Chap. 19, trade is not only the purchase and sale of goods and services between countries. In a broader sense, international trade should be interpreted as an international exchange of various kinds of goods, resources, factors of production, and intangibles.
Vasilii Erokhin, Gao Tianming, Jean Vasile Andrei
Chapter 21. International Migration of Labor
The international division of labor implies substantial disparities between countries in the availability of labor resources in terms of their size and qualities.
Vasilii Erokhin, Gao Tianming, Jean Vasile Andrei
Chapter 22. Liberalization and Protectionism
Each country establishes a balance between the economic development.
Vasilii Erokhin, Gao Tianming, Jean Vasile Andrei
Chapter 23. Globalization and Regionalization
Diversifying issues of economic, social, and cultural globalization.
Vasilii Erokhin, Gao Tianming, Jean Vasile Andrei
Contemporary Macroeconomics
verfasst von
Vasilii Erokhin
Gao Tianming
Jean Vasile Andrei
Springer Nature Singapore
Electronic ISBN
Print ISBN

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