2014 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
Context Aware Contribution in Ambulatory Electrocardiogram Measurements Using Wearable Devices
verfasst von : F. J. Martinez-Tabares, G. Castellanos-Dominguez
Erschienen in: XIII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 2013
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Context aware can improve the measurement accuracy of biosignals that would be uncertain in the case of paying close attention exclusively to the biosignal source. A suitable solution for sensing the effect of context on Electrocardiogram measurements is to make comparisons with acceleration records, since it is strongly related to the patient motion, which is a major cause of disturbance. In this paper the acceleration is used to establish relationships between electrocardiogram and user movements, allowing to reduce interference and improving the quality of the records taken in motion using wearable technologies. Tests were performed in an adult patient during rest and walking periods, demonstrating that dubious signal peaks can be identified using our simple correlation algorithm. By using this technique, the accuracy of the classification process increased from 95% to 98%, proving to be a useful procedure in ambulatory.