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2025 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

Context-Based Annotation Visualisation in Virtual Reality: A Use Case in Archaeological Data Exploration

verfasst von : Michele De Bonis, Huyen Nguyen, Patrick Bourdot

Erschienen in: Virtual Reality and Mixed Reality

Verlag: Springer Nature Switzerland

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In this paper we present a Virtual Reality (VR) tool that facilitates the visualisation and exploration of context-based, multi-level annotations in archaeology. Indeed, thanks to photogrammetry and laser scanning techniques, archaeologists can capture and reconstruct almost faithfully ruins and excavations in 3D. Thus, they can maximise their work performance on the field within their limited excavation time and leave deep, but often slow, analysis tasks at later stages offsite. Using VR, we can enrich 3D captured and reconstructed environments by adding extra information for ex situ analysis of archaeological data. This approach can also help the archaeologists speed up their collaboration with other experts or easily share the information with the public. We aim to assist the exploration of numerous annotations and information at disposal that can be densely clustered in a 3D reconstructed world. We collaborated closely with archaeologists at AOROC in the process of designing annotations that convey information with increasing Levels of Detail (LoDs), reflecting the complexity of the contained data. We then developed different interaction techniques that allow users to explore the annotations by switching between LoDs, including active selection by clicking, proximity approach, and the combination of both. Additionally, we proposed and evaluated the effectiveness of annotation grouping mechanism to enhance visual clarity by aggregating annotations in close spatial proximity. The results of our user study with non-experts, aggregated with a qualitative study with the archaeologists, showed user preference for the combination of the interaction techniques, but evidenced some limitations for the grouping of annotations.

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Context-Based Annotation Visualisation in Virtual Reality: A Use Case in Archaeological Data Exploration
verfasst von
Michele De Bonis
Huyen Nguyen
Patrick Bourdot