2008 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
Continuous PsD Testing With Substructuring
verfasst von : P. Pegon
Erschienen in: Modern Testing Techniques for Structural Systems
Verlag: Springer Vienna
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This work presents the development and implementation of a domain decomposition approach for solving dynamics problems involving continuous testing with analytical substructuring in the non-linear range. This approach implements an inter-field parallel time integration procedure suitable to work with an explicit experimental synchronous process using small time steps, such as the one running continuous PsD testing, and an implicit, possibly iterative, analytical process using large time steps. The characteristics and the robustness of the proposed schemes are illustrated by means of a parametric numerical study. The results of the first validation under test conditions are also presented. For completness, the presentation includes a short presentation of the continuous PsD testing and its implementation at the ELSA laboratory and some general comments regarding substructuring.