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2025 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

Contrast and Hue in Depth Perception for Virtual Reality: An Experimental Study

verfasst von : Sun Yusi, Leith K. Y. Chan, Yong Hong Kuo

Erschienen in: Virtual Reality and Mixed Reality

Verlag: Springer Nature Switzerland

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Depth perception, essential for effective interactions within 3D spaces, encounters significant challenges in virtual reality (VR) environments due to the lack of comprehensive real-world depth cues. This study explores the roles of contrast and color, with a particular focus on Hue, as mechanisms for conveying depth in VR. We designed a comparative experiment that leverages the CIELAB color space to isolate the impact of contrast when exploring the influence of Hue on depth perception. By meticulously controlling contrast levels and concentrating on variations in Hue, our findings reveal that an excessive variety of Hues can confuse users’ depth perception. Furthermore, the use of contrasting Hues enhances participants’ ability to discern distances between objects.

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Contrast and Hue in Depth Perception for Virtual Reality: An Experimental Study
verfasst von
Sun Yusi
Leith K. Y. Chan
Yong Hong Kuo