2008 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
Controlling the freedom of using space: the White House Space Policy dilemma
verfasst von : Xavier Pasco
Erschienen in: Yearbook on Space Policy 2006/2007
Verlag: Springer Vienna
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Despite the relatively short history of the use of space — the 50
anniversary was celebrated in 2007 — this first decade of the twenty-first century may mark a new departure in the occupation of space by mankind, or more precisely by the military. For some years now, projects for developing space weapons to control space have nourished international controversies. A Chinese anti-satellite test performed in January 2007, has only served to reinforce the general feeling that there is “weaponisation” of space. This feeling has quietly become widespread as a common consideration in the space community, as for the first time since the beginnings of space programmes, such perspectives might benefit from a more favourable political context. As an example, the new U.S. White House Space Policy unveiled in October 2006, while not breaking with earlier security-oriented policies, openly legitimates radical options should these become necessary for the security of the United States and its space assets. It is the open character and the general tone of the declaration, rather than its content that does not differ much from earlier documents. Up to now, such issues had been kept low profile on the political agenda and had never been promoted to the point of feeding possible domestic and international political arguments. This article intends to propose, as seen from the European perspective, an analysis of the reasons behind this development, to better judge the realities behind the political stance, and to provide some perspectives of possible consequences.