2018 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
Conversational Commerce – A New Era for Service Business Development?
verfasst von : Sven Tuzovic, Stefanie Paluch
Erschienen in: Service Business Development
Verlag: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden
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Digitization, the rise of the Internet and mobile devices have changed the way people interact with each other and with companies. In recent years, the voice interface has become a growing feature in mobile devices. Industry reports indicate that in mid-2016, 20 percent of Android searches were voice-based and Siri received two bn. requests per week. ComScore predicts that by 2020, 50 percent of all searches will be voice searches. Furthermore, it is anticipated that voice will become the default method to control a variety of interfaces including mobile devices, Internet of Things (IoT) appliances, and automobiles.