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19.12.2017 | Original Paper

Coopetition in coworking-spaces: value creation and appropriation tensions in an entrepreneurial space

verfasst von: Ricarda B. Bouncken, Sven M. Laudien, Viktor Fredrich, Lars Görmar

Erschienen in: Review of Managerial Science | Ausgabe 2/2018


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Coopetition has the potential to improve entrepreneurship and innovation. It will be prevalent in coworking-spaces building a growing field for individual and corporate entrepreneurship. The individuals’ physical closeness in the professional and social space of the coworking-space eases multifaceted transfers of explicit and implicit knowledge, stimulating creation, transfer, overhaul, and implementation of entrepreneurial ideas. While entrepreneurs in these coworking-spaces collaborate on sharing knowledge and resources and on finding creative ideas from which can breed new venture concepts, they simultaneously compete on the appropriation of values. Thus, entrepreneurs in coworking-spaces face coopetitive tensions of creating and appropriating the values. Based  on  interview data and secondary sources, this paper explains four different prototype institutions of coworking-spaces: the corporate coworking-space, the open corporate coworking-space, the consultancy coworking-space, and the independent coworking-space. Study explains different tensions of value creation and appropriation that occur within the coopetition in the different forms of coworking-spaces.

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Coopetition in coworking-spaces: value creation and appropriation tensions in an entrepreneurial space
verfasst von
Ricarda B. Bouncken
Sven M. Laudien
Viktor Fredrich
Lars Görmar
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Erschienen in
Review of Managerial Science / Ausgabe 2/2018
Print ISSN: 1863-6683
Elektronische ISSN: 1863-6691

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