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01.12.2016 | Original Paper

Corruption, innovation and firm growth: firm-level evidence from Egypt and Tunisia

verfasst von: Micheline Goedhuys, Pierre Mohnen, Tamer Taha

Erschienen in: Eurasian Business Review | Ausgabe 3/2016


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Using recently collected firm-level data from Egypt and Tunisia, this paper explores the effect of institutional obstacles and corruption on the innovative behavior of firms and their effect on firms’ employment growth. We estimate the micro-level interactions between corruption and institutional obstacles and test the hypothesis that corruption ‘greases the wheels’ of firm performance when bureaucratic procedures are more severe and hampering innovation. Accounting for endogeneity and simultaneity, the paper uses a conditional recursive mixed-process model (CMP). The results show that corruption has a direct negative effect on the likelihood that a firm is an innovator, but a positive effect when interacted with institutional obstacles. This provides support for the hypothesis that corruption serves as a mechanism to bypass the bureaucratic obstacles related to obtaining the necessary business permits and licenses for product innovation. These effects also resonate into firm growth, through their effect on product innovation.

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This study uses the term “MENA region” to describe the following countries: Djibouti, Egypt, Palestine, Israel, Jordan, Morocco, Lebanon, Tunisia, and Yemen. The choice of countries is dictated by data availability and in accordance to the World Bank’s regional grouping.
A country’s score indicates the perceived level of public sector corruption on a scale of 0–100, where 0 means that a country is perceived as highly corrupt and a 100 means that a country is perceived as very clean.
Out of these firms, 25.2 % have experienced at least one bribery payment request to accelerate the bureaucratic processes, compared to respectively 34 and 17 % worldwide Enterprise Surveys (http://​www.​enterprisesurvey​s.​org), The World Bank.
From a micro perspective, firms from MENA have the least performance in innovative activities. The region has an average capacity utilization of 62.7 %, a net decrease of labour productivity of 10.5 % and only 5.4 % of firms are using a technology licensed from a foreign company, compared respectively to 72.2, 2.9 and 14.8 % for the worldwide average. Source: Enterprise Surveys (ibid).
An innovation is the introduction of products, production processes, marketing and organizational methods that are new to the firm, irrespective of whether they are new to the firm’s competitors, its market or the world. Conceptually this definition follows the OECD (2005) Oslo Manual and is a measure of diffusion of technology and knowledge.
Proxied by the bribes from foreign-owned companies to government officials in host countries.
De Rosa et al. (2010) define corruption as the occurrence of informal payment request from governmental officials to perform an official task.
The estimation uses the Conditional Mixed Process program developed by Roodman (2011).
A continuous measure of product innovation is the percentage of annual sales accounted for by new or significantly improved products.
The choice of obstacles was based on the availability of a sufficient number of observations. The 11 obstacles to operations are: electricity; transport; access to land; crime, theft and disorder; finance; tax rates; tax administrations; political instability; labor regulations; workforce education and corruption.
The minimum level of bureaucracy (0) would indicate that the firm has found that the obstacle of getting a business license or permit is the least important relative to the other 11 business obstacles in the dataset.
Results are available upon request.
Estimated at 25 % of the GDP (Jütting and Laiglesia 2009).
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Corruption, innovation and firm growth: firm-level evidence from Egypt and Tunisia
verfasst von
Micheline Goedhuys
Pierre Mohnen
Tamer Taha
Springer International Publishing
Erschienen in
Eurasian Business Review / Ausgabe 3/2016
Print ISSN: 1309-4297
Elektronische ISSN: 2147-4281

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