2025 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
Cryptography in the Common Haar State Model: Feasibility Results and Separations
verfasst von : Prabhanjan Ananth, Aditya Gulati, Yao-Ting Lin
Erschienen in: Theory of Cryptography
Verlag: Springer Nature Switzerland
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We present a construction of pseudorandom function-like states with security against computationally unbounded adversaries, as long as the adversaries only receive (a priori) bounded number of copies. By suitably instantiating the CHS model, we obtain a new approach to construct pseudorandom function-like states in the plain model.
We present separations between pseudorandom function-like states (with super-logarithmic length) and quantum cryptographic primitives, such as interactive key agreement and bit commitment, with classical communication. To show these separations, we prove new results on the indistinguishability of identical versus independent Haar states against LOCC (local operations, classical communication) adversaries.