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2020 | Buch

Czech Security Dilemma

Russia as a Friend or Enemy?


Über dieses Buch

This volume examines the future directions of Czech international policy through an interdisciplinary analysis of both historical and current Russian-Czech relations. It analyses Czech relations with Russia based on their historical heritage underpinned by the superpower’s behaviour and interests in the Central European region. The book’s central theme is the current Czech security dilemma in which the Czech political community perceives Russia as a security threat, but also would prefer to cooperate with Russia to ensure its security. The authors give a full overview and explanation of Czech-Russian relations, while also explaining the current dilemmas within the Czech Republic’s political, cultural and economic community.


Chapter 1. Russia as a Czech Security Enigma: Introductory Remarks
The current volume reflects on Russia as a Czech security enigma throughout history. It looks at Russia from the perspectives of a range of disciplines, such as political science, history, security studies, linguistics, literature, and economics. It analyses not only the perceptions of the Czech governing elites but also the perspectives of the media and general public.
Jan Holzer, Miroslav Mareš
Chapter 2. The Hybrid Campaign Concept and Contemporary Czech–Russian Relations
Russia presents a substantial challenge to Czech security policy. Given the specific geopolitical, historical and cultural circumstances of Czech-Russian relations, this challenge is extraordinary when compared to relations with other European countries. A complex legacy of contacts between the states in the territories of today’s Russia and Czech Republic and the current international as well as domestic developments—that is the basis for a complicated set of relations in which a great number of actors are involved.
Miroslav Mareš, Jan Holzer, Tomáš Šmíd
Chapter 3. Russia as Viewed by the Main Czech Political Actors
Russia has always been a classic, constitutive topic for Czech politics and Czech political thought. In the Czech context, Russia has been the subject of dichotomous—welcoming and rejecting, intellectual and popular—reflections, which have been enlivened by events in both Russia and in the Czech lands.
Jan Holzer, Martin Jirušek, Petra Kuchyňková
Chapter 4. The Big Partner with a Small Turnover: Czech–Russian Economic Relations and Their Dynamics
This chapter describes economic relations between Russia and the Czech Republic as they impact on the general relationships between these two countries. The concept of ‘hybrid campaign’ is applied to these economic relations, and its benefits and limitations are discussed.
Lucie Coufalová, Libor Žídek
Chapter 5. Business as Usual or Geopolitical Games? Russian Activities in Energy Sector of the Czech Republic
This chapter aims to present an overview of the formative events in the Czech energy sector in relation to Russia and Russian companies, which have taken place over the past 25 years following the fall of the Iron Curtain. To provide the reader with a complex understanding of the situation, the overview will not be confined just to the presentation of important events and facts in the energy sector. Rather, attention will be paid to the way these key events were presented in the political and public discourse. The chapter further maps the presence of Russian companies in the Czech energy sector, and concludes by evaluating the presence of Russian capital in the sector and the way in which potential Russian influence on Czech energy policy and general security in the Czech Republic are perceived.
Martin Jirušek, Petra Kuchyňková, Tomáš Vlček
Chapter 6. The Russian and North Caucasus Diaspora in the Czech Republic: Between Loyalty, Crime and Extremism
This chapter gives the historical context of the Russian diaspora’s presence in the Czech Republic. It further outlines the present situation, internal political disputes and political issues as they arise with respect to the authorities in the context of the ‘hybrid threats’ concept. This chapter also pays attention to the activities of the Russian diaspora among extremists and those involved in organised crime. Finally, the last section is dedicated to the North Caucasus diasporas in the Czech Republic, particularly the Chechens.
Miroslav Mareš, Tomáš Šmíd
Chapter 7. Slavonic Brothers? Current Language, Literature and Cultural Interaction Between Russia and the Czech Republic in Light of the Security Issue
This chapter attempts to capture the current mental image of Russia held by Czechs, as evidenced by literary and journalistic texts. It proceeds by way of two mutually interrelated probes: one explores the structure of Czech translations of Russian literary works as regards their genres and topics, the other analyses topical and linguistic aspects of Czech opinion journalism in relation to Russia; both cover the period 2012 to 2017.
Jiří Gazda, Josef Šaur
Chapter 8. Czech Images of Russian History as a Societal Security Issue
This chapter presents selected changing forms of Czech historical scholarship of Russian history, and the ways in which Czech politics sought sources for its own identity, political contests and legitimacy in Czech historiography of Russia. Included in the chapter is a micro-study of Czech historiography’s changing treatment of one classical figure from Russian history, Ivan the Terrible.
Pavel Boček, Jan Holzer, Radomír Vlček
Chapter 9. In the Shadow of Russia: The Czech Republic as a Small Central European State
This book has sought to characterise the main areas and actors in the contemporary disputes over ‘Russian politics’ in the Czech Republic. Its conclusions confirm the historical continuity of most of the studied issues. The book aimed to help the readers grasp the complex Czech relationship with Russia and facilitate their understanding of future events in the Czech Republic as they unfold in the upcoming intricate period of regional and global developments.
Jan Holzer, Miroslav Mareš
Czech Security Dilemma
herausgegeben von
Jan Holzer
Miroslav Mareš
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