2014 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
Data Mining in Cancer Registries: A Case for Design Studies
verfasst von : G. Kanza, A. Babic
Erschienen in: XIII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 2013
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Cancer registries are created, managed and data mined to gain knowledge about long term patient outcomes, effects of medication, clinical factors influencing patients’ wellbeing. Equally important is the insight into the cost effectiveness of cancer treatments, and securing data input from different medical centers and enable competent data analysis and meaningful results. Interest among different user groups (physicians, researchers, health care administrators, policy makers) cerates expectations regarding the results and active role in the development and in interactive use of the information. This paper discusses several design cases in which data mining could be implemented to enable efficient and user friendly knowledge extraction. Three important design cases have been identified following the pathways that the users typically make: 1. ensemble data mining from long term national registries; 2. ensemble data mining form the dedicated clinical web-databases; 3. ensemble distributed data mining and analysis.