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2025 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

Design and Analysis of Filtenna Array for C-Band Applications

verfasst von : Gaurav Maithani, Vinay Kumar Killamsetty, Nitesh Kashyap

Erschienen in: Proceedings of Third International Conference on Computational Electronics for Wireless Communications

Verlag: Springer Nature Singapore

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In the present work, the design of a C-band filtenna array is designed using computer simulation technique (CST) using filtenna and power divider is presented. The radiating element consists of a microstrip patch antenna, the filtering function is carried out by a compact microstrip resonant cell (CMRC) which is acted as a band-pass filter (BPF) integrated on the antenna panel. An effective technique for the rejection of spurious resonances is also described which is achieved by removing the corresponding harmonics of the radiating element and filter.

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Design and Analysis of Filtenna Array for C-Band Applications
verfasst von
Gaurav Maithani
Vinay Kumar Killamsetty
Nitesh Kashyap
Springer Nature Singapore