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2024 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

Designing Sustainable Resilient Medium Density Housing Well. A Discussion of the Design Implication of the Auckland Unitary Plan and the Resource Management (Enabling Housing Supply and Other Matters) Amendment Act

verfasst von : David Turner, Matthew Bradbury

Erschienen in: Integrating Resiliency into Future Sustainable Cities

Verlag: Springer Nature Switzerland

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Numerous studies, reports, and articles in the general media discussing housing in Aotearoa New Zealand’s cities have been published in the period since Auckland Council adopted the current version of its strategy for intensifying the city, now well embedded as the Auckland Unitary Plan of 2016 (AUP). It is widely accepted in the literature of urban planning that medium density housing “done well” offers a sustainable pathway to urban growth. Central government introduced the Resource Management (Enabling Housing Supply and Other Matters) Amendment Act (New Zealand Government Environment Committee. Resource Management (Enabling Housing Supply and Other Matters) Amendment Bill. (83–1). Wellington: NZ, 2021) to Parliament in November 2021. The Amendment Act endorses higher density by introducing more “permissive” regulations. The revisions now passed into law in Wellington remove provisions in the AUP that provide for the regulation of density by zoning; they reduce minimum standards for internal and external private space, and they increase permitted building heights while reducing boundary proximities. They over-ride the evidence-based and documented research that went into the AUP, which was also validated by exhaustive community consultation. A majority of expert opinion expressed in a brief process of public consultation predicted that the Act’s effect will be to create a legacy of poor-quality housing for Auckland. Preliminary analyses emerging from a survey carried out by the Unitec Housing Research Group of post-2016 examples of housing projects now suggests that while some developments reach a standard of design that compares reasonably well with housing overseas, a majority do not. This paper examines positive and negative outcomes of the current regulatory regime using data from the Housing Research Group surveys. Conclusions indicate that, with fine-tuning, mechanisms that already exist within the AUP can achieve policy objectives to “do medium density well”.

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The reference code used for the summary data sheets: scale of project (S(small), M(medium), L(large))_unique catalogue number, typology/site density, measured in dwelling units per hectare (du/ha). Typologies are: D (detached); Tr (terraced housing with or without parking or garaging); Th (townhouses, generically a terraced 2 or 3 storey unit with an integral garage at ground floor level); C (courtyard); A (apartment); M (mixed typologies).
In 2023 BRANZ organised a touring “roadshow” visiting New Zealand’s main centres with an advisory seminar that was designed to summarise MDRS regulations for practices engaged in housing development. The agenda focussed on technical issues. https://​branz.​arlo.​co/​w/​seminars/​108-medium-density-housing-seminar/​523.
Urban Auckland (The Society for the Protection of Auckland’s City and Waterfront Inc.) (2021). Submission to the Resource Management (Enabling Housing Supply and other Matters) Amendment Bill.
Zurück zum Zitat Branz (2020) Branz facts—medium density housing 12. Retrieved from Wellington: 19/3/2023 Branz (2020) Branz facts—medium density housing 12. Retrieved from Wellington: 19/3/2023
Zurück zum Zitat Hoskins R, Te Rana R, Rhodes P, Guy P, Chris S (2002) Ki Te Hau Kainga: New perspectives on Māori housing solutions: a design guide. Retrieved from Wellington: 10/5/2016 Hoskins R, Te Rana R, Rhodes P, Guy P, Chris S (2002) Ki Te Hau Kainga: New perspectives on Māori housing solutions: a design guide. Retrieved from Wellington: 10/5/2016
Zurück zum Zitat Marriage G (2022) Medium: a technical design guide for creating better medium density housing in Aotearoa New Zealand. Auckland: EBOSS Marriage G (2022) Medium: a technical design guide for creating better medium density housing in Aotearoa New Zealand. Auckland: EBOSS
Designing Sustainable Resilient Medium Density Housing Well. A Discussion of the Design Implication of the Auckland Unitary Plan and the Resource Management (Enabling Housing Supply and Other Matters) Amendment Act
verfasst von
David Turner
Matthew Bradbury