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2024 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

6. Determinants of Organisations’ Decisions Regarding Investments in Human Resource Development

verfasst von : Alic Bîrcă, Luminița Chivu, Christiana Brigitte Sandu

Erschienen in: Constraints and Opportunities in Shaping the Future: New Approaches to Economics and Policy Making

Verlag: Springer Nature Switzerland

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The study analyses the determinants influencing the decisions of organisations to invest in human resource development. The researchers in the field have been particularly interested in investments in human resources, having analysed various aspects of such investments. At the same time, it should be noted that most research in this field investigated the impact of human resource development investments on organisational performance as it could influence future decisions on the amount of investments. We also found that there is insufficient research on the perception of specific determinants of managerial decisions on human resource development investments. In this context, we have identified several determinants that, depending on the way they are perceived and valued by organisations, could influence managerial decisions regarding investments in human resource development. We also believe that the existence of a human resource development policy at the organisational level can have an impact on the assessment of the determinants that influence the level of investment for employee training. Based on the aforementioned, we formulated the following research question: Could an assessment of determinants influence the organisations’ decisions regarding investment in human resource development? For this purpose, we have developed a survey comprising several determinants that can more or less influence investments in human resource development. The Likert scale from “1” to “5” was used to evaluate the determinants. The study results show that the determinants with a higher score give greater responsiveness to organisations in terms of human resource development investments.

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Determinants of Organisations’ Decisions Regarding Investments in Human Resource Development
verfasst von
Alic Bîrcă
Luminița Chivu
Christiana Brigitte Sandu

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